Amazing how blue Pman's eyes are but mine are a close second. He lost 40 lbs. in '07 and looks great-I'm so proud of him and it inspires me.... though a night of pizza wasn't quite the way to start. Did I notice some grey hairs in the new shorter haircut?
Grandma loved seeing Pman and Bman this weekend. Note the J1 and J2 slackers --- or just taking a break after rearranging furniture. Grandma in fur hat and gloves ready to take on the world! And how did she manage to tower over her tall grandsons?
A late Christmas and early New Years at J1's included the seemingly human dogs! The Pman had Bella and J1's Cajun, both rescued dogs enjoyed the celebration. Noticed Pman's trim physique? He ran a Half-Marathon in December and in training for it and his soccer team - lost almost 50 lbs this year! Congratulations and what an inspiration!
Christmas at J2's was a beautiful White Christmas with great food and a very generous Santa. J2 made out like a bandit with made for her Oakley's and an ipod. Lizz got a great new camera I've yet to see photo's from.....hint! Both Corey and Tyler and their "Sara, Sarah's" made for more merriment! I know I gained a few pounds there...... Steve was excellent for highlights and dog news! And the shopping was delightful - in spite of the snow, we made it to the Crown Plaza, Town West, and Oak Park Mall. Fun, fun, fun!
Arriving in in 6" of snow with only flips (sandals) from Arizona, Lizz came for a white Christmas. Grandma was so happy to see Lizz as it had been several years. We celebrated early with Grandma then drove to KC. Ugh! We had to scrape ice and snow to see out the car windows!
Mom (Grandma) was not feeling to whippy at the end of the year. She was in the hospital for a few days, then moved to the Health Care side of Cumbernauld Retirement Village. J1 was here through the most difficult time. Thank you J1 - and J2 was back and forth from KC several times. Grandma's favorite saying is "Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb, life is about the bounce." And she's done just that - bounced back to enjoy Christmas!